วันเสาร์ที่ 25 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2552

Letterfrom Thai senior civilian to UN

April 25 th , 2009

Mr. Ban Ki-moon
UN Headquarters
1 st Avenue at 46th Street ,N.Y.C.,New York,U.S.A. 10017

Dear Sir:

We urge you to consider to take back the sovereignty to our Thai world citizen. Since June 24 th, 1932(B.E.2475) King Rama 7 handled a sovereignty to all the whole Thai people, our country has been governed from absolute monarchy regime to be a constitution monarchy regime. But it has never reached a mature democracy as your personal native country (South Korea) even though it has been getting lesser democracy than constitution monarchy. Right now our Thai movement and peaceful unarmed demonstrations spread throughout the whole country to take back our latest almost democratic constitution1997 (B.E.2540)which was robbed by a small group of bad armed soldiers on September 19 th,2006 and P.M.Thaksin Shinawat was ousted illegally abroad.

The valid P.M.Thaksin Shinawat did not decide to claim for our government and did not settle up abroad government because he probable concerned the present constitution monarchy regime. But it has been worse that the surrounded high rank soldiers ,juries including the person that we call a blind hand outside constitution have involved and sunk down the human right ,just for protection of their interests.

Today they are going to be a huge blood casualty all over the country.Do Mr. Secretary- General want to let Thailand ,your U.N. member , to reach a mature democracy as other developed human right countries and your native country as well? There will be less chance in resolving the critical crisis of democracy in Thailand, please act right now to put U.N. pressures as follows,

1/ to this fraud-u-lent government of P.M.Aphisit Vejchacheewa (not address a government policy at the congress house office) to declare to use the valid constitution 1997 and push the congress to evolve the new code to be a direct election for a prime minister in one step along the whole accepted power of legislative part of sovereignty in democracy.

2/ for U.N. to manage and operate in voting of such new election along no.1 or as U.N. did recently for a direct democracy election in Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste .Right now the whole world is already global for democracy, we do not accept any government which is derived from the Coup d’ etat of bad armed soldiers as this fraud-u-lent government .

Sincerely yours,

Dr.Chow Arromdee,M.D.

On behalf of senior officials and civilians ally for sovereignty to our children
